AU Libraries Now Offering Second-Half of Workshops for Fall 2020

Auburn University Libraries will be offering the following workshops during the second half of fall semester. Anyone wishing to participate in one of these workshops should register at
Library Services for Graduate Students
You will learn about:
• the Libraries’ research and access services.
• library spaces that support research, innovation and collaboration.
Led by Juliet Rumble, Philosophy, Religious Studies & Women’s Studies Librarian
Monday, Oct. 12, 9-10 a.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 27, 1-2 p.m.
Citation Management
Endnote allows you to create and manage bibliographies, citations, and references.
You will learn to:
• create and organize an EndNote library.
• add references to an EndNote library both manually and by using direct export.
• use the Groups function to organize references.
• insert and edii citations in a Word document using EndNote's Cite While You Write (CWYW) function.
• format referencing in your chosen referencing style in a Word document.
Led by Jaena Alabi, English and Psychology Librarian
Register for a session:
Monday, Oct. 19, 9:30-11 a.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 4, 9:30-11 a.m.
Zotero is a free easy-to-use, online tool to help you collect, cite and share your research sources.
You will learn:
• how to add citations to Zotero
• how to use Zotero with Microsoft Word
Led by Kasia Leousis, Art and Architecture Librarian
Register for a session:
Thursday, Oct. 15, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 3, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Productivity Software
LaTeX allows you to create technical and scientific documents using mathematical expressions.
You will learn:
• how to set up a basic document in LaTeX.
• basic commands for equations and mathematical expressions used in LaTeX.
Led by Liza Weisbrod, Music and Government Documents Librarian
Register for a session:
Wednesday, Nov. 4, 1-2 p.m.
Research Skills and Strategies
Finding Sources for your Literature Review
You will learn about:
• basic differences between Discovery and subject (discipline specific) databases.
• research strategies for tapping into the scholarly conversation in your research area.
Led by Juliet Rumble, Philosophy, Religious Studies, & Women’s Studies Librarian
Register for a session:
Tuesday, Oct. 13, 1-2 p.m.
Monday, Oct. 26, 9-10 a.m.
Systematic Reviews
You will learn:
• the specific steps used to complete a systematic review.
• how systematic reviews differ from other types of reviews.
• where to find additional resources and services to help with the systematic review process.
Led by Adelia Grabowsky, Health Sciences Librarian
Register for a session:
Thursday, Nov. 19, 3-5 p.m.
Scholarly Communication
Deciding Where to Publish
You will learn:
• tools for identification of target journals.
• basics about open access.
• tips for recognizing potential predatory journals.
Register for a session:
Tuesday, Oct. 20, 3:30-5 p.m.
Demonstrating Research Impact
You will learn:
• tools that support greater visibility of your research.
• methods for self-analysis.
• tips for presenting your research impact to stakeholders.
Led by Patricia Hartman, Biology, Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, & Math Librarian
Register for a session:
Wednesday, Oct. 28, 3:30-5 p.m.
Original post:
Post content submitted by Jayson Hill and published in the Newsroom at Auburn University.
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