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Auburn Majors Fair | March 11

Posted about 4 years ago  in Student Support.

If your student is considering a change in their major or want to learn more about the other 140+ degree programs at Auburn, the University Career Center encourages them to participate in the Auburn Majors Fair and explore the many majors Auburn University has to offer.

This virtual event will have displays for each college and/or major, links to videos and opportunities to chat with representatives from different colleges live via Zoom to get all of their questions answered. In addition, learn more about the resources available to help them in choosing the right major or career path for your individual needs.

University Career Center looks forward to seeing participants at the Auburn Majors Fair. Use this link to access the event on March 11 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m (The link will not work till March 11, from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM). 

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