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Camp War Eagle and Successfully Orienting Students Applications Out Now

Camp War Eagle and Successfully Orienting Students Applications Out Now
Posted over 3 years ago .

First Year Experience is excited to announce that applications are now open for the Successfully Orienting Students and Camp War Eagle orientation team positions! If students are interested in the potential opportunity to help incoming Auburn students and their families with the transition to our University, while forming close relationships with other student leaders across campus, they can apply to work with the Successfully Orienting Students and Camp War Eagle teams!

FIrst Year Experience will be hosting an in-person information session to allow potential applicants to learn more about serving with the First Year Experience office. This will be a great time to get any questions answered and to hear more information before applying. The information session will be held on Thursday, September 30th from 5:30-6:00 pm in Foy Hall, Room 189. Masks will be required.

Applications are due by Wednesday, October 6th at noon. For additional information and to fill out an application, students can visit

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