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Parent Input Needed: Auburn University Strategic Planning Survey

Posted about 1 year ago  in Parent & Family News.

Parents - we need your help!

As part of Auburn University's current Strategic Planning process, members of the Auburn Family are invited to participate in a survey to help identify institutional priorities and perspectives to support the development of the university's next strategic plan. Engagement from Auburn stakeholders is essential to the university's planning process and will help determine future priorities and goals for Auburn University over the next decade.

The survey, open to Auburn students, employees, alumni, parents, community members, and industry partners, will remain open until March 1, 2024, at 4:45 pm. All responses will remain anonymous, and the results of the survey will be shared with the Strategic Plan Steering Committee in aggregate form.

Complete the Survey

For information on Auburn University’s Strategic Planning Process, please visit the plan website. For questions, contact

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