War Eagle

“War Eagle” is Auburn's battle cry — not a mascot or nickname. “War Eagle” has become a way for the Auburn Family to greet and identify with each other all over the world. Anywhere you're wearing something with an Auburn logo on it, chances are you'll hear a friendly “War Eagle!”
The most popular story about the battle cry dates to the first time Auburn met Georgia on the football field in 1892 and centers on a spectator who was a veteran of the Civil War. In the stands with him that day was an eagle the old soldier had found on a battlefield during the war. He had kept it as a pet for almost 30 years.
According to witnesses, the eagle suddenly broke free and began majestically circling the playing field. As the eagle soared, Auburn began a steady march toward the Georgia end zone for a thrilling victory. Elated at their team's play and taking the bird's presence as an omen of success, Auburn students and fans began to yell “War Eagle” to spur on their team. At the game's end, the eagle took a sudden dive, crashed into the ground, and died.
But the War Eagle battle cry lived on to become a symbol of the proud Auburn spirit. Whenever Auburn people gather, the battle cry “Warrrrrrr Eagle!” is almost certain to be heard. It has been a part of Auburn's spirit for more than 100 years.
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