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Cater Hall Callouts

Posted 12 months ago .

Affectionately known as “Cater Callouts”, this tradition is how some large clubs or organizations officially announce their new members. Many groups conduct callouts from the cheerleading team to Camp War Eagle Counselors to Student Recruiters, Miss Auburn, and SGA elected officials.

Here’s how it goes…

At the top of the back steps of Cater Hall stands the current executive team, leaders, or captains of an organization. After the votes have been counted, interviews have been held, and try-outs have come and gone, they introduce themselves to the anxious crowd that awaits them below. Hundreds of students rush forward to get as close to the stairs as possible to ensure they can hear the names. Finally, holding the list of names of those chosen, the executive team has all eyes on them as they read out the list of names, one by one.

As you might imagine, not every name that applied will get called. While this may seem a massively disappointing experience, one thing is important to know about those waiting to hear their name: they never stand alone. Callouts are an experience to share with your friends (and sometimes your family). Candidates typically bring a whole crowd of people along to stand in support, hold a hand, or offer a comforting hug if their name is not called. So, whether their name is called or not, a crowd of people is there to support and encourage them the whole time.

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