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Understanding Grades

Posted 10 months ago  in Parent & Family NewsStudent SupportAcademics.

Have you ever checked your student’s grades and seen some letters you don’t typically associate with grades? This post discusses traditional grades A-F and their Grade Point Average (GPA) calculation, as well as some other grades you may be less familiar with.

You are most likely familiar with the typical letter grades A-F. Auburn University does not do + (plus) or – (minus) grades, so the letter grade a student receives is how their GPA is calculated.

  • A = Superior | 4.0 GPA
  • B = Good | 3.0 GPA
  • C = Acceptable | 2.0 GPA
  • D = Passing | 1.0 GPA
  • F = Failing | 0.0 GPA
  • FA = Failure for excessive absences | 0.0 GPA

Students should consult the AU Bulletin for clarification on what grade is needed to fulfill degree and pre-requisite requirements. For example, a C is required in the ENGL 1100 to be eligible to take ENGL 1120.

Parents and students can quickly and easily calculate GPA using this tool on Auburn’s website.

Some class grades are not calculated into a student’s GPA and are simply pass/fail. Those grades are “S” and “U”.

  • S = Satisfactory

A grade of “S” indicates that the student has met the minimum requirements to pass a course. This grade is not calculated into a student’s GPA but will count towards their degree requirements.

  • U = Unsatisfactory

While the grade of “U” will not be calculated into a student’s GPA, students will not receive credit for completing the course. If the course is required for graduation, the student must retake the course and receive a satisfactory grade to fulfill their course requirements.

Some class grades are less common and require a bit more explaining. 

  • IN (Incomplete)

IN (Incomplete) may be assigned when a student is facing documented challenges (illness, death in the family, etc.) that keep them from completing course requirements. A student must have completed and passed more than half of all class assignments for the semester to be eligible for a grade of IN.

To request an IN, the student must contact the faculty member through Auburn email or in writing prior to the submission of final course grades. If a grade of IN is determined to be the appropriate course of action, the faculty member will provide details about the additional work needed to complete the course and a timeline (maximum of 6 months) for the student to complete outstanding work.

For more information on the grade of Incomplete (IN), click here.

  • NR (No Grade Reported)

A grade of NR (no grade reported) is automatically assigned when the instructor does not assign a letter grade. Students should contact their faculty member with questions about a NR grade.

For additional information on grade definitions, click here.

To understand what grades are or are not calculated into your student’s GPA, click here.

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